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Volunteer Opportunities

The BC Ministry of Education requires that all students achieve a total of 30 hours of work experience in order to graduate. These hours can be through a paid job, a volunteer Work Experience placement or through volunteer hours. These hours must be accomplished and registered at school before a student is able to enroll in the Work Experience 12A or B courses. These courses recognize a students part time job, outside of school, and accrue 4 Grade 12 credits each.

There are many volunteer opportunities in Sooke. Many organizations seek assistance from students for events throughout the community. (Remembrance Day, Santa Claus Parade, Amber Academy, Lions and Rotary projects, Transition Sooke, etc. etc.)  Sign up sheets are posted in the Career Center throughout the year. Students are encouraged to visit often to make connections to these events.

Volunteering is a low pressure way to learn team member skills, improve communication with adults and the public, explore a variety of possible future career paths and be rewarded with a sense of belonging and contribution. The goal with volunteering is for students to gain skills, contribute in a positive manner and build experiences for their resumes. Time logs to record their hours can be picked  up in the Career Center or an email from the benefitting organization, verifying the students contributions,  can be sent to Emily Moreland, Career Center Coordinator (emoreland@sd62.bc.ca) Please include activities, dates and hours of services provided.


Canada Women’s Seven Rugby Tournament     https://www.canadawomenssevens.ca/

Sooke Minor Hockey Coaches Game     https://sookeminorhockey.ca/

Sooke River 10K Race     https://vira.bc.ca/series/

U16C Boys Fastball     https://softball.bc.ca/championships/536/minor-dates-information


Amber Academy: after school opportunity to mentor/assist children in art, or choir and/or theater activities.  Contact:  admin@amberacademy.ca  or visit https://amberacademy.ca/

Mural Projects: Bike Boxes, Electrical Boxes, District of Sooke Pump House, Bus Shelters.

Sooke Fine Arts     https://sookefinearts.com/

IMG_9163     IMG_9144       Bistro


Remembrance Day     https://www.sookelegion.ca/

Sooke Fall Fair     https://sookefallfair.ca/wp/

Sooke Meals on Wheels     https://sooke.org/societies/#m

Sooke Region Volunteer Fair : with connections to all non-profit groups in Sooke     https://www.sookeregionresources.com/

Sooke Santa Parade     https://www.sookeregionchamber.com/

Sooke Seedy Saturday     https://sookefoodchi.ca/events/seedysaturday/

Sooke Harbourside Lions Duck Race     https://www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/sookeharboursidelions/

Transition Sooke     https://transitionsooke.org/get-involved/

Victory in Europe Day     https://www.sookelegion.ca/

Carole Cave Dance Studio     https://www.sookedancestudio.com/

District Influenza Clinics     https://www.viha.ca/flu/

Rotary Auction     https://portal.clubrunner.ca/693

Sooke Family Resource Society Thriftstore     https://www.sfrs.ca/news.html

School District:

Yes to It Event    https://www.itabc.ca/youth/programs

EMCS Open House     https://emcs.sd62.bc.ca/about/calendar/